Thursday, October 25, 2012

The monkey and the wrench

Well hello my dear followers!
I've been away for a while, I know, but I haven't forgotten about you! I have been busy making another cushion cover - yet again for one of my friends :)

I made it for her birthday and I can now safely post it on here as she's already got it! (I didn't want to beforehand so as to not give anything away)
So here is the design I used:

  It's called a Monkey Wrench block. I thought the name was apt! ;) it was something new, something I'd never done before and meant I only needed to use two fabrics instead of a larger amount. I did originally want to make the entire cushion from this design, but then realised that the pieces I'd need would be huge. So I scaled it down and made four smaller ones. They worked just as well and gave a different pattern than before.

I decided to use a patterned fabric, not realising how much more work this would give me, but im glad I did now cause it looks awesome. The other blue is a silk that I have had for 5 years now - It went with the other colours in the patterned fabric so I used it :)

The design is so pretty and makes really good close up shots. (Please see above) The entire thing did take me a bit longer than normal, although with the amount of work I've had its kinda mental that I actually had time to do some.
The other really cool thing about this cushion is its the first one that I have sewn my label into! I didn't want to sew it so it showed on the outside, I thought this would spoil the overall finish of the cushion. So I decided to put it in the inside of the top flap of my envelope back. Worked so well my friend didn't actually see it until I pointed it out to her!

So this is my latest project. I now need to a) finish my space quilt and b) start another smaller project :D - Any ideas?

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

We all need some space!

...the title says it all! We all need some space - in this case, I'm talking (of course) about my awesome space fabric that I mentioned before in THIS POST

So this is what I have so far - I wanted to do a piece where I 'framed' some fabric, didn't necessarily have to be one with pictures, could have been just random patterns, BUT I got lucky when I had extra of this fabric left after making myself a cushion cover!

The main problem I had here was making sure that I could easily sew them together - as such, I had to make sure that they were in rows so I could sew another fabric in between each, and then sew the rows together to form one large 'thing'. This meant there were a lot of random calculations as to the different sizes of frame! Each piece is individual after all.

This is basically a plan of the layouts:
Green = Earth
Yellow = Saturn
Bright Red = Jupiter
Dark Red = Mars
Peach = Venus

Im not entirely sure what I want it to be, maybe it could be made into something for a child? If I ever get to start selling my pieces perhaps this would be of interest... I really don't know!

So this is my Space Quilt - or Planet Quilt.

Don't forget to check out my facebook page - just search for Louise's Patchwork Patch!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Yay my labels :D

Well guess what arrived yesterday - the trial runs of my labels :D They sent me 4 which is good :)

Im now going to have to make a simple cushion cover/something JUST so I can use one! The whole idea behind the labels is so that if (when) people buy my things, anyone who sees it will be able to know who its by and then be able to contact me themselves :D

Simple but I likey! The design on the labels is my Logo so:

Watch out for the newest design on here soon! Oh - and find me on Facebook if you haven't already.