Sunday, May 13, 2012

A gift for AC!

I'm Back!!!
That may have been completely ages since I last posted (6 months :O ooopppsss) but my excuse is im a 3rd Year Student! I had lots of work to do and no time to design any patchworks :(

Update since last posts then!
I have my own sewing machine now!! I was using my mums before but I suppose since I was making so many patchworks and it wasn't just a one time thing, my parents decided to invest in a small one for me!! :D
Personally I think its better than any others since its bright blue but that is only my humble opinion!!

I have made a couple of things on it so far and this post is about one of those!
This cushion cover (and yes, its another cushion cover) I designed and made for one of my friends here at Uni! She was sitting in my room one day and said she really liked one of the covers I have, 'I Honestly Cant Remember' so of course I told her I made it myself.... Cue amazement and her staring at me like I was a goddess (which of course I am but hey...).

Thus, because I'm such a nice person I said i'd make her one too if she wanted! She picked out the block/design but I had to go home and choose the colours, which is a whole different story entirely. Lets just say it took me about an hour and a half to decide on 3 colours that worked well together! Im starting to learn that you should plan the cushion design around fabrics that you've already put together, not the other way round!!

Either way, THIS is the result:


I'm pleased to say my friend loved it and apparently her mum was a bit jealous too!!